重慶三峽云動力(重慶成強機械廠)始建于1992年,廠址位于重慶市巴南區民主新村花溪工業園內,占地3000余平米,由原重慶廣陽發動機廠,超霸機械廠及現在的成強機械廠整合而成,工廠緊鄰重慶宗申集團,建設集團,巴山摩托車等知名摩托企業,員工及技術優勢得天獨厚,現有發動機裝配及檢測工30余名,發動機生產流水線3條及配套磨合測試設備,發動機裝配體系參照各大廠配置及自身開發,專業裝配制造臥式70/90/100/110/120/125 及立式125/150/175/200/250 風冷水冷摩托車發動機及通機動力,月產能力3萬臺,產品通過國家3C質量強制認證,同時本企業為ISO9001:2000管理標準執行企業。產品質量穩定,客戶贊譽度高,注冊品牌商標有“三峽云”及 “俊霖”,產品銷往全國各地及國際市場。
Chongqing Sanxiayun Motor (Chongqing Chengqiang Machinery Co,.Ltd), was established in 1992, located in the Huaxi industry park Banan District, Chongqing City, China, covers an area 3000 sq.m, formed by Chongqing Guangyang Engine Factory, Chongqing Chaoba Machinery Co,.Ltd (crankshaft maker) and Chengqiang Machinery Co,.Ltd (engine and cylinder maker) , close to the famous motorcycle enterprises such as Chongqing Zongshen Group, Jianshe Group and Bashan Motorcycle Co,.Ltd, thus sharing exclusive advantage on staff and technology for engine manufacturing. We are professional engine manufacturer specialized in making Horizontal air cooling 70/90/100/110/125 engine and vertical air/water cooling 125/150/175/200/250 motorcycle engine and generator engines. Our products have passed the 3C certification with a monthly output 30 thousand sets. Quality of product is stable and praised by customers, and the products have been sold all over world. We also maintain good relationship with the first rate parts manufacturers, able to cooperate with you with competitive price.
We are looking forward to cooperating with you and welcome to visit our plant!
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